GBCA welcomes Montana Conservation Corps Fellow

Hello, my name is Kat, and I am just finishing up my first week as a Montana Conservation Corps Fellow at the Great Burn Conservation Alliance! I am participating in the MCC Individual Placement Program, one of MCC’s four signature programs that partners Americorps members with nonprofits and other community-based conservation organizations. I chose this program because I want to expand my knowledge of conservation beyond scientific research, which was my main focus as an undergrad. I hope to use this opportunity to not only learn about the ecology of the Great Burn, but also to learn about the stewardship and policy dimensions of conservation work by surrounding myself with passionate people and large national forests. This is my first term serving as an Americorps member, and I feel excited to be working with both MCC and GBCA for the next four months!

This week has already been packed with meeting a lot of new people, diving into the intricacies of nonprofit conservation work, and seeing the Great Burn for the first time. My experiences so far have revealed how busy and awesome the rest of the summer will be!

Over the next several months, I will be working closely with Hayley and Skye, the two co-executive directors of the Great Burn. Hayley has been providing me with copious amounts of resources to help me understand the mission of GBCA and its partner organizations, get connected with community members, and get oriented in Missoula (this is my first time in Montana ever - so far I am loving it!).

On Tuesday, I attended Skye’s wilderness policy lecture for Professor Eva Maggi’s Wilderness Policy and Packing course offered through University of Montana, where I also heard a lecture by the executive director of the Blackfoot Challenge, Seth Wilson. Throughout my undergrad (I just finished my degree in Biology and Music less than two weeks ago!), I have become interested in human-wildlife interactions and using science to mitigate negative interactions. I loved learning about how GBCA’s mission relates to habitat connectivity and about another organization that develops and tests mitigating solutions for grizzly bear-human conflict. 

I also met GBCA staff Rory, Chris, Jory, a few GBCA board members, and the seasonal backcountry staff members at our GBCA orientation. On Thursday, Rory (and his dog Kelly) took me out to see the Montana side of the Great Burn Proposed Wilderness, specifically Fish Creek. Later this summer, we will be co-leading volunteer trips in the Great Burn, and part of our preparation for these trips will include visiting the trails in advance to check on conditions and for me to get my bearings in the area. These volunteer trips are what I am most looking forward to this summer! My first trip will be the “Clearwater Crossing Biodiversity Blitz” on the second weekend of July. I hope to see some of you there!

Until July, I will be working around Missoula and starting to get out on day hikes in the Great Burn. I feel lucky to be working with MCC and GBCA this summer, and I can’t wait to share my experiences with you!