
Thank you, Missoula and Idaho Gives!

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For the first time this year, the Great Burn Conservation Alliance participated in both Idaho Gives and Missoula Gives. Thanks to our generous support, we were able to raise over $7,500 in a single week!

We are deeply grateful for the support.

We rely on individual donations to run our stewardship and policy programs. Thanks to these contributions, we are able to expand our field programs this year. This summer, we are launching a Heart Lake Ambassador program, which will place trained volunteers on the ground to provide friendly visitor education about wildlife, camping, trail access, and safety.

Would you like to become an ambassador? Click here to learn more and sign up.

Protecting wildlife corridors with Y2Y

This year we’re excited that the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is supporting our work to protect habitat connectivity in the Proposed Great Burn Wilderness. Each year Y2Y funds local community work across the Yellowstone to Yukon region that supports their mission to protect and connect habitat so that wildlife and people thrive.

The Great Burn provides an important wildlife corridor connecting the Crown of the Continent and Selkirk-Cabinet-Yaak ecosystems with central Idaho’s wildlands and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This roadless region is a critical landscape for species that need large intact blocks of wildlands to survive. It is also prime grizzly bear recovery habitat.

Our work to keep the Great Burn wild depends on support from you, communities and other partner organizations. In 2021 Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative was one of those organizations. Their grant helped further our work to safeguard the region’s wilderness character and also helped support Y2Y’s mission to protect and connect habitat so that wildlife and people thrive from Yellowstone to Yukon.
